Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sometimes we do a thing in order to find out the reason for it. Sometimes our actions are questions not answers.

Man in a box, or The Human Doing, is doing a lot of cooking lately.  I've seen him searching his phone, presumably looking at recipes, whilst preparing dishes.  I've seen him watching television while using the computer (multitasking!).  But that's about it.  I read that he was out dog walking today.  The whole "living in a box" thing doesn't exactly seem true.  More like "mostly living in a box".  Oh well, it's still interesting. He's at the halfway point of his whole expedition, so I haven't got much time left to peep!  Speaking of peepers, this was my favorite FB wall post he got today:  "Do you like living in a box at night"  Creepy!  Especially with the absence of any sort of punctuation.

I'm on day 3 of my melatonin/valerian root tea combination.  It's working out alright.  I think you get a small window of opportunity when you start to get sleepy to actually fall asleep, otherwise it just becomes hard again.  Unfortunately, I tend be always be doing something (like writing a blog or what have you) while that window of sleep opportunity arises.  I should time this out a little better.

I had a pretty superb find the other day.  I found all three flavors of Hello Panda in the dollar spot at Target.  For those of you who aren't in the know in regards to Hello Panda, you may remember a delicious treat from the 90's called Koala Yummies?  It's basically the newer knockoff version of those.  Same packaging, even.  Except Koala Yummies had a wider variety of flavors.  Speaking of Koala Yummies, apparently, they still exist and they are called Koala March's now.  I wonder why.  "Yummies" was a much better choice to use in the product name, in my opinion.  So much more memorable and fun.


Oh, I guess it's technically Friday.  Which means it's safe to use a Rebecca Black meme:

I can't wait until the day that I am perusing old blogs and come upon this one and ask myself, "Who the hell is Rebecca Black?", and then I go to youtube and watch her video and feel like I've rickrolled myself from the past.  I am pretty sneaky.

Anyways, time for a "cannot unsee" photo!:

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