Friday, April 8, 2011

Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time.

I walked past Man in a Box today!  I was on my way to work around 8am, walking through Nickolodeon Universe, and he walked right past me on his morning walk.  I immediately looked away as he walked by.  I have no idea why.  I guess I still felt like I was watching him inside the box.  I think I've developed real peeping tom mannerisms.  How awkward.  I have always said if I lived facing a high rise building, I would have to invest in binoculars.  Yes, I am a total creeper, I suppose.

I spent the entire day at the Mall of America today, about 11 hours.  I worked, then went to MN Sealife, which I believe is the largest indoor aquarium.  Regardless, it was pretty cool.  This marks the 3rd visit to view wildlife within seven days.  I should probably take a break, as my Facebook friends may be tiring of wildlife photographs.  After MN Sealife, I had some sushi at Crave, then finally left the mall.  Yikes.  

Okay, I'm incredibly tired, so that is all for tonight.


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