Monday, March 7, 2011


Gym. Tanning. Laundry.

If you know what I'm talking about, then you've watched Jersey Shore.  Or, at least read some things about it.  I am so behind, I know.  But, with being stranded in a hotel in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard on New Year's Eve, I got to watch my first few episodes ever.  I was definitely intrigued.  Then, season two became available to watch instantly on Netflix this past week.  Tyler and I have been indulging in our guilty pleasure for the last two days.  If I had any shame, I might feel ridiculous admitting I've even lost sleep, as I watched way past my bedtime.  But because I have no shame, I will say it happened, and I'd do it again.  I'm almost done with season 2 (I think.  I'm not actually sure how many episodes there are, but I think I'm on episode 10), and, while watching, I have a whole lot to say.   But afterwards, all I've got is I fucking love Snookie.  She's my little smurf midgey. Pauly D, too.  He's like my little troll doll.  With a troll/midget combo in the middle of an alcohol/testosterone/drama/tanning lotion/fist pumping fueled reality show, you were bound to get my attention.  It seems like a lose/lose situation for everybody.  We all wasted valuable time in front of a television, debatably getting dumber by the minute while we watched people get drunk, get laid, get they nails did, and fight.  They got humiliated, punched and/or slapped in the face, embarrassed themselves, got caught lying, and probably got some cancer from all that tanning, all on national television.  But we all win because while we were being entertained, they were having what will probably be the time of their lives times a million and got paid a ridiculous amount to do it.  In the future, they're going to bitch about how it ruined their lives, and we're going to balk at what a ridiculous show it was, but for now, we're going to enjoy it.

....Until next season, when they'll be staying in Italy, which will obviously spark WWIII because the Italian people will think that all Americans behave that way.


  1. Sam god me hooked. Ted wants a divorce.

    Okay, I'm exaggerating. I just can't watch it if he's present. Evidently, he doesn't appreciate a good fist pumping.

  2. Oh man, Tyler and I fist pump at the end credits of every episode. It's a good workout if you pump fast enough.
