Thursday, March 10, 2011

You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough.


Tyler and I have been planning a trip to New Orleans recently.  We plan to go in the beginning of May.  I am incredibly excited.  Tyler's mom and stepdad just went to New Orleans recently, and it sounded great.  I've always said I'd like to go there, but never made any serious plans to do so.  We chose New Orleans basically on a whim, it has so many things Tyler and I would be interested in. 

We want to stay in the French Quarter for obvious reasons:

It's is beautiful and the center of everything in New Orleans.  I can't wait to walk out of our hotel and get to see that on a daily basis, even if it is for just a few days.

We've discussed taking a graveyard tour, and I hear you can see Bloody Mary's grave if you catch the right tour:

Maybe while we're on that kick, we'll see what we can find in the way of voodoo:

I won't be killing any chickens, but maybe I'll buy a shrunken head and check out a themed museum or two.

We will DEFINITELY be checking out local music, probably every single day:

Also, we will be checking out the local cuisine:

Which, I have to say, I am the most apprehensive about.  I get really nervous about trying new foods.  But Tyler is really into it, and he's good at persuading me to like (or at least try) things that at first glance make me anxious.  I love some seafood, but I get the impression there's a lot of crawfish in New Orleans cooking, and I've never eaten it.  I guess I'll find out just how I feel about cajun cooking when I finally get a chance to try it out!

Because I just spent a good chunk of my night doing wedding research, I have to at least mention that I found 5 venues to check out for our wedding.  Three of which seem pretty interesting and unique...the other two are attractive enough and affordable.  I'm excited to check more out.  Once that piece of the planning is figured out, that helps a lot in the way of planning so many of the other pieces.  I understand now why people hire wedding planners.  Planning a wedding is no easy feat, and can be really confusing at times.  I think what is most frustrating is how greedy places can be once they find out what you are in need of is for a wedding.  They put on the pressure and sometimes even jack up the price.  It's ridiculous.  Why should something cost more if it's for a wedding than if it's for a formal affair if the services required are exactly the same?  It makes no sense.  I have already been in a situation where internally, I really wanted to punch the person helping me in the face because she was telling me blatant lies in order to persuade me to make a purchase for our wedding.  Needless to say, I did not make that purchase, and I did not punch anyone in the face.

I have made my consultation appointment for Lasik.  It is in two weeks, which means I cannot wear my contacts for two weeks.  I have gone through 3 days of this so far, and I have to say, wearing glasses is highly inconvenient.  They get dirty.  They get foggy.  I have to push them up frequently.  If I take them off to try on sunglasses or clean them off, I can't see.  I look weird.  I can't wear sunglasses, because I don't have any with prescription lenses.  I cannot even use peripheral vision because it's outside of my lens coverage area, which means I can't see.  Total bullshit.  I thought contacts sucked, because they're a bit time consuming and uncomfortable, but in comparison, they're pretty much awesome.  Lasik will be even more awesome if I can suffer through this glasses thing.

Anyways, time for bed.

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