I'm on day 3 of my melatonin/valerian root tea combination. It's working out alright. I think you get a small window of opportunity when you start to get sleepy to actually fall asleep, otherwise it just becomes hard again. Unfortunately, I tend be always be doing something (like writing a blog or what have you) while that window of sleep opportunity arises. I should time this out a little better.
I had a pretty superb find the other day. I found all three flavors of Hello Panda in the dollar spot at Target. For those of you who aren't in the know in regards to Hello Panda, you may remember a delicious treat from the 90's called Koala Yummies? It's basically the newer knockoff version of those. Same packaging, even. Except Koala Yummies had a wider variety of flavors. Speaking of Koala Yummies, apparently, they still exist and they are called Koala March's now. I wonder why. "Yummies" was a much better choice to use in the product name, in my opinion. So much more memorable and fun.
Oh, I guess it's technically Friday. Which means it's safe to use a Rebecca Black meme:
I can't wait until the day that I am perusing old blogs and come upon this one and ask myself, "Who the hell is Rebecca Black?", and then I go to youtube and watch her video and feel like I've rickrolled myself from the past. I am pretty sneaky.
Anyways, time for a "cannot unsee" photo!:
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