Previous to this, I wasn't sure I really even wanted to post anything more about him. Mostly because he's almost always sitting around on the computer. Which, the first time I saw him, humanized him a little bit. Made me feel like I was peeping instead of watching a man who decided to allow people to watch him live in a box for thirty days. Which was interesting. Well, now that's pretty much all he does. I'm never around for the voting (people vote for what he should be "doing" as far as exercise goes) so I never actually have seen him "do" anything. I have, more often than not, noticed he was missing from his box. From what I gather, he is allowed to walk around the mall twice a day, he is allowed to grocery shop, and he has to make one healthy food choice within the mall a day. So much for living in a box. I pretty much do the same thing minus sleeping at the mall.
Today on my way out of work, there was a big note saying Man in a Box was at Uppercut Gym doing some boxing lessons. I found this pretty interesting because Uppercut Gym is actually one of the unique wedding venues I mentioned to Tyler we may want to check out. It's in Northeast Minneapolis. Now, I live in NE Mpls. I also commute to the MOA (Mall of America) for work almost every single day. I know there has got to be a closer boxing gym to the mall than Uppercut. I drive at least 30 minutes each way (which, for MN, is a pretty long commute). For a guy who is supposed to be living in a glass box, he sure gets a lot of time OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. His commute time today alone allowed him one hour outside of the box. Can't they give him his outside exercise time before or after the mall is open? I mean, it opens at ten am. Most people exercise before work way earlier than that.
Anyways, so, I found "The Human Doing" on Facebook. I see all of the creepy wall messages he gets from people standing just in front of him, separated by a glass wall like, "You really sleep in there, wow", "Here's the picture I took of you", and "I'm right outside, can I take a picture?". How bizarre! I want to send him a Facebook wall post at 12am and say "I'm standing on the 2nd floor by Tiger Sushi, watching you sleep through the crack in the partition." Okay, I'm not really going to do that, but it makes me laugh to think about. It must be creepy to sleep in the mall. I also saw Man in a Box's wife on Facebook. I wonder how she's coping.
Anyways, here he is, boxing:

Now, for something completely unrelated. Look how cute these guys used to be:

Well, except Kanye. He was kind of stupid looking. Lil Wayne looks...exactly the same minus the face tattoos and dreads (I guess that cough syrup helps you defy age). 50 cent and Usher are SO F'ING CUTE, I can't handle it!

Anyways, here he is, boxing:
Now, for something completely unrelated. Look how cute these guys used to be:
Well, except Kanye. He was kind of stupid looking. Lil Wayne looks...exactly the same minus the face tattoos and dreads (I guess that cough syrup helps you defy age). 50 cent and Usher are SO F'ING CUTE, I can't handle it!
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