Not much going on in the search for a home. We put an offer in on another one recently that the owner's accepted. Now, we just have to wait on the bank(s). Which could take months. Hopefully not too many months, as we need to plan our wedding around this house. A house whose landscaping needs a LOT of work.
Nico is socially coming along nicely. She's opened up much more. We had quite a few people over a few days ago, and I think that helped her open up a little bit. She's still very nervous, but much better than at first. She's also doing really well with potty training. I think we give her another week or two, and she's be 100% potty trained. She has definitely made me feel better about my potty training skills! (Sorry, Panda!...I just can't figure you out!) Nico should be going in to see the vet next week, so now we should be able to see if she has any underlying medical issues. We are pretty certain we will be adopting her once she has been vetted, but we're not allowed to sign any contracts until she has been seen and also spayed.
Tyler and I are going to California in a couple of weeks to visit his family. I'm pretty excited. He has to work for a few hours a couple of the days, so I have to figure out what to do with myself during that time...Hm...What to do in LA for a few hours during the day? Any suggestions?
We're also booking our trip to NYC in January soon. Another exciting trip that I can't wait for. We're limiting our trip to just 4 days to deliver us from the temptation to shop our brains out. I can't wait to see NYC in the winter, it will be such a stark contrast from when we went last time, in the excessive July heat! I bet it's beautiful. Except, you know, inside the subways. Hopefully, we'll have our house by then, so we don't get tempted to stay. I love that town.
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