Osama was killed and/or found dead yesterday. I said that merely for posterity because once in a blue moon, I'll find myself looking back at old blogs. I'd like to remember this is when that happened. I'm going to keep my opinions on the subject somewhat short. People are very excited he is dead. I understand that. He was the cause of many deaths, a lot of fear, a lot of turmoil. People want justice. I admit, when I first read the news, I was pretty happy. When I had a moment to really think about it, I felt a little bit disturbed about the fact that I felt positive feelings about someone's death, someone being killed, murdered. I understand there was a reason for it. I understand he was a bad person. I understand there are many families out there that feel relief at this news. None of that changes the fact that I don't feel good about myself for having been happy about someone being killed. I feel like I was walking a moral blurry line and I was dangerously close to crossing a line I wouldn't be comfortable with crossing.
Anyways, I'm a sucker for a good internet laugh, and I don't have a moral compass when it comes to that, so I'll just lighten my/our mood with this:
Post Script (for that portion of the blog): Martin Luther King, Jr didn't really say that quote you've been reading and or sharing on FB or Twitter. Sorry. You should probably not report or retweet it as a MLK Jr quote. Heads up.
Let's talk about something totally different.
Rusko played here in Minneapolis about a week ago. (Here's some Rusko: ) I debated for some time whether or not I wanted to go. Then the show sold out. I like listening to dubstep at work. I like listening to it in my car. But did I really want to see it performed live? I wasn't sure if it was my thing. So, then the show sold out and I didn't get to see it. Which is fine. But now, Skrillex happens to be coming to town July 1st and I'm asking myself the same questions.
If you're not familiar at all with dubstep, you may think it's really weird. I thought the same thing. Eventually, I guess, it just grew on me. And no, I don't do drugs. In any case, I like Skrillex's songs. I do. But, then I watched some live footage of Skrillex (). Should I really pay money to see someone tweaking their laptop? I don't know.
Then, I remembered someone Tyler said he saw working some club in Austin, The Gaslamp Killer. () I'd rather see that live.
Britney's even gone the dubstep route () for like, 3 seconds. I'd go see Britney. If it wasn't ridiculously expensive.
I'd still rather go see Rihanna (). Even though there's no dubstep at all. I just think it'd be fun. I once met Chris Brown. Remember him? I didn't know who he was at the time. He kept listing off his singles, asking if I had heard them. He couldn't believe I had never heard of the singles or him. He should have come back after he beat up his girlfriend and asked me. I know who he is now, but still couldn't tell you any of his songs. Probably because he sucks...which is to be expected of your typical wife beater.
Oh, who cares? I just wanna see these guys:
or these guys:
Too much amazingness.
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