We got home from New Orleans yesterday, it was amazing. More than I could have expected, even though we didn't get to do most of the things we had planned to do on our trip. I took well over 150 pics, so you'll have to give me some time for me to choose a few to describe the trip. If you're my friend on Facebook, you can check them all out there. Is there a Blogger app for the Droid? I should find that out so I can update with photos more regularly.
There was a massive tornado near my neighborhood while we were out of town (in fact, it was in my old neighborhood - even my old apartment was affected). After we got home from Nola, we took a bunch of pictures of the destruction, I'll be sure to post those as well.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end.
I can't deny it, I needed to write a makeup review blog. I had to throw out all of my old eyeliners, mascaras, and lashes because of my Lasik and buy all new product, so I've been trying to view these products with fresh eyes, figuratively (and, I guess, literally). I feel like I've tried so many mascaras on the market, and I always end up going back to the drugstore brands. I'm perfectly happy buying designer makeup, but I just can't do it if I find an equal or superior product for a significantly cheaper amount.
For instance, I have tried every recommended mascara Sephora (and MAC) associates tell me to try. I really fell in love with Diorshow for a while. Until I met Covergirl's LashBlast. I put one on each eye and asked if anyone noticed the difference. No one did. They looked exactly the same. The one thing I did like about the Diorshow was the scent. I know that's a little strange for a mascara, but I liked putting it on because it has a unique and interesting scent. Ultimately, because LashBlast was significantly cheaper, it won out, because the scent of Diorshow wasn't enough to keep me interested when I could save 18 bucks.
Today, I find myself in a similar predicament. I conveniently forgot my comparisons of the past and went with a blank slate. I looked up online reviews and reviews of friends and decided to try Covergirl's fiber Lashblast Fusion (supposedly similar but better to the original Lashblast). I also had a Givenchy mascara I tried that I was unimpressed with and decided to exchange it for Diorshow's Extase mascara. Both the Covergirl and Diorshow mascaras are intended to volumize and lenghten lashes. I tried one on each eye today, and I must say, both volumized. Both lenghtened. But Diorshow clumped like crazy. The brush was also really strange and it was messy, deposting mascara onto my top eyelid. It held a curl REALLY well, though. The Covergirl Lashblast Fusion both lengthened and volumized, but it also separated really well. It didn't hold a curl as well, but still did a decent job. And part of me wonders if I just did a better job curling the lashes with the Diorshow on them. Either way, the difference in curl was minimal. The difference that did make my decision was the ridiculous clumping and messiness of the Diorshow Extase. Yikes. No thanks.
For instance, I have tried every recommended mascara Sephora (and MAC) associates tell me to try. I really fell in love with Diorshow for a while. Until I met Covergirl's LashBlast. I put one on each eye and asked if anyone noticed the difference. No one did. They looked exactly the same. The one thing I did like about the Diorshow was the scent. I know that's a little strange for a mascara, but I liked putting it on because it has a unique and interesting scent. Ultimately, because LashBlast was significantly cheaper, it won out, because the scent of Diorshow wasn't enough to keep me interested when I could save 18 bucks.
Today, I find myself in a similar predicament. I conveniently forgot my comparisons of the past and went with a blank slate. I looked up online reviews and reviews of friends and decided to try Covergirl's fiber Lashblast Fusion (supposedly similar but better to the original Lashblast). I also had a Givenchy mascara I tried that I was unimpressed with and decided to exchange it for Diorshow's Extase mascara. Both the Covergirl and Diorshow mascaras are intended to volumize and lenghten lashes. I tried one on each eye today, and I must say, both volumized. Both lenghtened. But Diorshow clumped like crazy. The brush was also really strange and it was messy, deposting mascara onto my top eyelid. It held a curl REALLY well, though. The Covergirl Lashblast Fusion both lengthened and volumized, but it also separated really well. It didn't hold a curl as well, but still did a decent job. And part of me wonders if I just did a better job curling the lashes with the Diorshow on them. Either way, the difference in curl was minimal. The difference that did make my decision was the ridiculous clumping and messiness of the Diorshow Extase. Yikes. No thanks.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Weather, weather, weather. It's pretty ridiculous this year. The southwest has almost doubled it's number of tornadoes for one year, and we're only 5 months in, and haven't even hit tornado season. The midwest has seen record breaking numbers in snowfall/blizzards, not to mention our winter lasted well over 7 months. (When I say "winter", I don't mean the time frame listed on your calendars. I mean how long the snow and freezing temperatures lasted. The calendar seasonal dates mean nothing to those of us who live in four season climates.) Oh, and there's all that Japan business. Ridiculous. I have been complaining so much about this winter, and forgetting the other places that have seen epic weather patterns this year as well. I've been daydreaming and researching other areas to live in for the past few days. Mostly because it has been freezing temperatures (in the 30's or below - that's fahrenheit) for so long, and we will get one really nice day in the 60's, then it will go back to being ugly weather again. I'm tired of it. We're going to hit 80 degrees tomorrow, but who cares when it's going to rain and no one can enjoy it? Only in Minnesota will it be 32 degrees one day, and then 2 weeks later, it will be 80 degrees. Like I said before, ridiculous.
So, like I mentioned, I've been daydreaming about moving. I've been mainly debating on the two obvious contenders: Los Angeles and New York City. I say "obvious" because it's two of the most common cities for people to move to...not because they're the obvious choices for everyone. The weather isn't a whole lot better in NYC, I realize. But it's better, and NYC is so much more interesting. Los Angeles, well, it's a much better climate and Tyler could potentially make a lot more money there as a hairstylist.
I have huge reservations about both of them. And to be honest, I'd rather move to NYC. But I have my doubts I could afford it, and like to use my money for things that are not only rent. I'm also not sure I want to give up the dream of one day owning a home. The small spaces scare me, too. I do like to spend time at home, and that may not be feasible if my home is tiny. But at least NYC is incredibly dog friendly, so Winston could come with. I have dreamt for a long time of living in NYC, and it would be a lot of fun, I'm sure. I wish I had a better understanding of what my life would look like at our current salary (I don't want to assume I'll make more living in NYC, but I will make the assumption I will at least make the same.)
A lot of people had suggested other cities, but none really piqued my interest, as I'd prefer to live in a larger city.
And to be honest, if we just stopped having such ridiculous winters, I'd just want to stay here and just keep traveling to other places.
In other news, Tyler and I have been fostering a dog. She is a Japanese Chin, and such a sweetheart. Her name is Panda:

She was quite startled when I was taking this picture because she saw her image moving on the computer (I took it with photobooth). It was pretty cute.
As I said, she is a very sweet little girl. She was a puppy mill rescue, and I gather she was used to breed. It's pretty sad, and I'm glad to be able to give her a temporary home until she finds her permanent one. But I must say, it is not the easiest endeavor I've taken on. It has been very difficult to get her to potty outside, for instance. The first day, I really had no problems, so I didn't anticipate any issues, but she really hasn't done a good job since the first day. We're trying to promote good potty training habits, but sometimes it takes upwards of an hour to get her to go outside, and I definitely don't give myself an hour to take the dogs out when I have to work at 8am. So...yeah, it's been challenging. She has a special place in my heart, though, and I hope to get her fully trained soon. She's VERY weary of people, she's nice, but not trusting. I think once I can get her to trust me more, it might be easier to train her. It's not an easy challenge, but it's pretty rewarding. It's also much easier than when I first got Winston.
So, like I mentioned, I've been daydreaming about moving. I've been mainly debating on the two obvious contenders: Los Angeles and New York City. I say "obvious" because it's two of the most common cities for people to move to...not because they're the obvious choices for everyone. The weather isn't a whole lot better in NYC, I realize. But it's better, and NYC is so much more interesting. Los Angeles, well, it's a much better climate and Tyler could potentially make a lot more money there as a hairstylist.
I have huge reservations about both of them. And to be honest, I'd rather move to NYC. But I have my doubts I could afford it, and like to use my money for things that are not only rent. I'm also not sure I want to give up the dream of one day owning a home. The small spaces scare me, too. I do like to spend time at home, and that may not be feasible if my home is tiny. But at least NYC is incredibly dog friendly, so Winston could come with. I have dreamt for a long time of living in NYC, and it would be a lot of fun, I'm sure. I wish I had a better understanding of what my life would look like at our current salary (I don't want to assume I'll make more living in NYC, but I will make the assumption I will at least make the same.)
A lot of people had suggested other cities, but none really piqued my interest, as I'd prefer to live in a larger city.
And to be honest, if we just stopped having such ridiculous winters, I'd just want to stay here and just keep traveling to other places.
In other news, Tyler and I have been fostering a dog. She is a Japanese Chin, and such a sweetheart. Her name is Panda:
She was quite startled when I was taking this picture because she saw her image moving on the computer (I took it with photobooth). It was pretty cute.
As I said, she is a very sweet little girl. She was a puppy mill rescue, and I gather she was used to breed. It's pretty sad, and I'm glad to be able to give her a temporary home until she finds her permanent one. But I must say, it is not the easiest endeavor I've taken on. It has been very difficult to get her to potty outside, for instance. The first day, I really had no problems, so I didn't anticipate any issues, but she really hasn't done a good job since the first day. We're trying to promote good potty training habits, but sometimes it takes upwards of an hour to get her to go outside, and I definitely don't give myself an hour to take the dogs out when I have to work at 8am. So...yeah, it's been challenging. She has a special place in my heart, though, and I hope to get her fully trained soon. She's VERY weary of people, she's nice, but not trusting. I think once I can get her to trust me more, it might be easier to train her. It's not an easy challenge, but it's pretty rewarding. It's also much easier than when I first got Winston.
Monday, May 2, 2011
I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to. - Elvis Presley
Some quotes are just better when you know who said them.
Osama was killed and/or found dead yesterday. I said that merely for posterity because once in a blue moon, I'll find myself looking back at old blogs. I'd like to remember this is when that happened. I'm going to keep my opinions on the subject somewhat short. People are very excited he is dead. I understand that. He was the cause of many deaths, a lot of fear, a lot of turmoil. People want justice. I admit, when I first read the news, I was pretty happy. When I had a moment to really think about it, I felt a little bit disturbed about the fact that I felt positive feelings about someone's death, someone being killed, murdered. I understand there was a reason for it. I understand he was a bad person. I understand there are many families out there that feel relief at this news. None of that changes the fact that I don't feel good about myself for having been happy about someone being killed. I feel like I was walking a moral blurry line and I was dangerously close to crossing a line I wouldn't be comfortable with crossing.
Anyways, I'm a sucker for a good internet laugh, and I don't have a moral compass when it comes to that, so I'll just lighten my/our mood with this:

Post Script (for that portion of the blog): Martin Luther King, Jr didn't really say that quote you've been reading and or sharing on FB or Twitter. Sorry. You should probably not report or retweet it as a MLK Jr quote. Heads up.
Let's talk about something totally different.
Rusko played here in Minneapolis about a week ago. (Here's some Rusko: ) I debated for some time whether or not I wanted to go. Then the show sold out. I like listening to dubstep at work. I like listening to it in my car. But did I really want to see it performed live? I wasn't sure if it was my thing. So, then the show sold out and I didn't get to see it. Which is fine. But now, Skrillex happens to be coming to town July 1st and I'm asking myself the same questions.
If you're not familiar at all with dubstep, you may think it's really weird. I thought the same thing. Eventually, I guess, it just grew on me. And no, I don't do drugs. In any case, I like Skrillex's songs. I do. But, then I watched some live footage of Skrillex (). Should I really pay money to see someone tweaking their laptop? I don't know.
Then, I remembered someone Tyler said he saw working some club in Austin, The Gaslamp Killer. () I'd rather see that live.
Britney's even gone the dubstep route () for like, 3 seconds. I'd go see Britney. If it wasn't ridiculously expensive.
I'd still rather go see Rihanna (). Even though there's no dubstep at all. I just think it'd be fun. I once met Chris Brown. Remember him? I didn't know who he was at the time. He kept listing off his singles, asking if I had heard them. He couldn't believe I had never heard of the singles or him. He should have come back after he beat up his girlfriend and asked me. I know who he is now, but still couldn't tell you any of his songs. Probably because he sucks...which is to be expected of your typical wife beater.
Oh, who cares? I just wanna see these guys:
or these guys:
Too much amazingness.
Osama was killed and/or found dead yesterday. I said that merely for posterity because once in a blue moon, I'll find myself looking back at old blogs. I'd like to remember this is when that happened. I'm going to keep my opinions on the subject somewhat short. People are very excited he is dead. I understand that. He was the cause of many deaths, a lot of fear, a lot of turmoil. People want justice. I admit, when I first read the news, I was pretty happy. When I had a moment to really think about it, I felt a little bit disturbed about the fact that I felt positive feelings about someone's death, someone being killed, murdered. I understand there was a reason for it. I understand he was a bad person. I understand there are many families out there that feel relief at this news. None of that changes the fact that I don't feel good about myself for having been happy about someone being killed. I feel like I was walking a moral blurry line and I was dangerously close to crossing a line I wouldn't be comfortable with crossing.
Anyways, I'm a sucker for a good internet laugh, and I don't have a moral compass when it comes to that, so I'll just lighten my/our mood with this:
Post Script (for that portion of the blog): Martin Luther King, Jr didn't really say that quote you've been reading and or sharing on FB or Twitter. Sorry. You should probably not report or retweet it as a MLK Jr quote. Heads up.
Let's talk about something totally different.
Rusko played here in Minneapolis about a week ago. (Here's some Rusko: ) I debated for some time whether or not I wanted to go. Then the show sold out. I like listening to dubstep at work. I like listening to it in my car. But did I really want to see it performed live? I wasn't sure if it was my thing. So, then the show sold out and I didn't get to see it. Which is fine. But now, Skrillex happens to be coming to town July 1st and I'm asking myself the same questions.
If you're not familiar at all with dubstep, you may think it's really weird. I thought the same thing. Eventually, I guess, it just grew on me. And no, I don't do drugs. In any case, I like Skrillex's songs. I do. But, then I watched some live footage of Skrillex (). Should I really pay money to see someone tweaking their laptop? I don't know.
Then, I remembered someone Tyler said he saw working some club in Austin, The Gaslamp Killer. () I'd rather see that live.
Britney's even gone the dubstep route () for like, 3 seconds. I'd go see Britney. If it wasn't ridiculously expensive.
I'd still rather go see Rihanna (). Even though there's no dubstep at all. I just think it'd be fun. I once met Chris Brown. Remember him? I didn't know who he was at the time. He kept listing off his singles, asking if I had heard them. He couldn't believe I had never heard of the singles or him. He should have come back after he beat up his girlfriend and asked me. I know who he is now, but still couldn't tell you any of his songs. Probably because he sucks...which is to be expected of your typical wife beater.
Oh, who cares? I just wanna see these guys:
or these guys:
Too much amazingness.
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