I was a little surprised to hear that many people don't know anything about this, or those that do felt it was an antiquated hobby. Unfortunately, this is a sport that is still alive and well. I cannot fathom how this is something people would want to take part in, but they do, apparently. I recently read an article about elephant hunting. Let me tell you, I LOVE elephants. They are probably my favorite animal next to dogs. Elephants are an amazing animal, and relatively docile. However, because of their sheer size, I can at least visualize how some douche bag might feel pretty manly taking one down. But seals, especially BABY seals? Give me a fucking break. I am so disgusted. Especially after reading so many statistics over the past few weeks. "Baby" harp seals are considered illegal to hunt, but once they start shedding their fur at 12-14 DAYS, they are fair game. Are you fucking kidding me? The average life span of Harp seals is 30-35 years. Please don't tell me a baby at 12-14 days is old enough to defend itself against a human with a spiked club.
The only difficulty this person had, I'm sure, is getting enough traction on the ice to walk towards these seals. Gross. I hope one day they fall in the ocean and this one breaks his big teeth on his own club, that jerk.
It's a sick motherfucker who wants to beat this adorable baby with a spiked bat:
This is disgusting. These people should be made fair game for hunting, what with the crimes against nature they're committing.