And so it begins...again. The blog reemerges with a brand new domain of my very own! I'm excited to get back into the swing of writing blogs again. I don't have a shape or a theme to the blog, and I don't really anticipate having one, but who knows what time will bring. For now, I'll just do what I do best and free form it.
Today, I had my very first Shamrock Shake of the year. It was glorious for two reasons: one, it was a surprise. You see, Shamrock Shakes typically make their yearly debut in March to celebrate St Patrick's Day. It is February 24th. The earliness of the shake pleases me immensely. The second reason is, the Shamrock Shake has had a makeover.
You see, once upon a time not so very long ago, the Shamrock Shake looked like this:
The Shamrock Shake of the past may not look like much, but the very memory of it's vanilla minty goodness is enough to make one long for it year-round. So imagine my surprise when I ordered the shake and was presented with this:
WHAAAAAT? Shamrock shake PLUS whipped cream AND a cherry on top?! Fuck your diet, this shit is the best thing that ever happened to you. Times TEN. Go get one, I highly recommend it. I'll wait. While I do, I'll spend some time playing "Where's Snookie?" when you get back, you can play too:
My fiance, Tyler, is playing a show tonight, which I opted not to go to, since he is playing another one in two days, and I wanted to get my blog up and running. So, naturally, instead of supporting him tonight or actually writing anything, I'm mostly just searching the reaches of the internet for memes/gifs/images and being bored. I realize this wasn't the most glorious of posts, but I wouldn't want to overwhelm you right off the bat!
Speaking of fiancees, I am being summoned to go get mine.

Speaking of fiancees, I am being summoned to go get mine.
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