Wednesday, December 12, 2012

When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.

I have quite a few friends on Facebook who post a picture of themselves every day.  I don't really understand the point of this.  Especially when, you know, everyone pretty much looks the same every day.  Especially when you choose the most flattering angles, take pics when you have pristine makeup or hair, and, in some cases, photoshop the "negatives" out.  Shit, most of the time, these people look totally different in real life.

I can understand why you might post pictures of yourself in special circumstances, events, cool outfits, new purchases you're excited about, new hairdos, or even a new makeup you are enjoying.  But, you know, usually it's literally just a picture of someone looking pretty or handsome, (which is also moderation).  WHY?

This is your personal Facebook page, typically compiled of people you know.  So..what's the point?  I don't want to be rude, because, as I mentioned, I have quite a few friends who seem to do this, but, is this the new fishing for attention and compliments?

There are very few people I want to see a picture of every single day.  And, two of those "people" are actually just my dogs.

I'm not saying I don't post my fair share of mundane facts, photos, and videos, don't get me wrong.  But I guess I just have little understanding and/or tolerance of self-admiration and narcisissm.  Especially when these traits are typically just a cloak for one's self consciousness.  YOU LOOK ATTRACTIVE IN THAT PICTURE WHERE YOU CHOSE THE BEST LIGHTING IN THE BEST ANGLE WITH YOUR BEST MAKEUP, OUTFIT, AND HAIR ON (and sometimes best Photoshop skills).  GOD, DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT EVERY... SINGLE ... DAY?

 Anyways, maybe I should start posting a picture of myself every day.

 Isn't it amazing how much better we all look online?